Better, Faster, Stronger: Today’s Consumer Demands More Out Of Your Network

Better, Faster, Stronger: Today’s Consumer Demands More Out Of Your Network

BT’s breakneck broadband test hits unimaginable speeds over plain ol’ fiber

BT still has a long way to go until it connects all of Britain’s homes to its fiber-optic network, but that hasn’t stopped the company from exploring new ways to squeeze some extra speed out of it while it does.

At the hands of consumers, companies today are searching for ways to push more and more bandwidth through their fiber. BT has brought this thinking to the next level, announcing this week that their network will be able to achieve the whopping speed of 1.4 terabits per second – the fastest-ever “real-world” internet connection, according to them.

In this ever-connected world where consumers are demanding lower prices, greater coverage, and faster speeds, the importance of protecting and maintaining your network has never been higher. At the risk of cable damage, or worse yet, network downtime, it’s imperative that companies are getting accurate locates, and are monitoring the integrity of their cable.